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Thermostatic tpfl

An innovative product to be promoted

The TPFL® are dry prepregs made from slivers or yarns which combine in an homogeneous way reinforcing fibres and thermoplastic fibres (carbone/PA12, carbone/PEEk…).
Proposed on different forms, braids, UD, 2D and non-crimp multiaxial fabrics, they constitute a suitable preform to rapidly mould advanced composite parts.
The moulding systems which can be associated with the TPFL® are : compression, L.I.M. (Bladder Inflation Moulding), stamping, membrane forming, induction, Carbone Forgé® system…

Technical apsects


  • Ease and short working process
  • High mechanical properties
  • Very low void content (<0,2%)
  • High drapability
  • Lack of volatile organic
  • Recyclable

Raw materials used

  • Carbone /PA12
  • Carbone / PPS
  • Carbone / Peek
  • Aramid : PA12
  • Preox
  • Carbone


  • Industrial
  • Sport & leisure
  • Aerospace
  • Medical